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Many coaching styles develop overtly passive offensive players, who focus on merely regurgitating patterns versus acting upon natural affordances which create an offensive advantage. System-based coaching philosophies have led to generations of robotic players being produced, all because of outdated coaching attitudes focussed on the importance of “players running the system.” One must ask what […]
Jun 17, 2024
A question we receive frequently at Transforming Basketball is how we develop adaptive shooters. This is where differential learning (DL) forms a key part of our player development framework, existing as a highly useful tool for complementing CLA practice tasks. DL differs to the CLA in that the goal is not to manipulate task constraints. […]
Let’s start by considering what deception even is? A 2022 paper by Ramsey et al., forms the basis of this blog article. Within “Maximising Grip on Deception and Disguise: Expert Sports Performance During Competitive Interactions.”, Ramsey and colleagues highlighted how deception can be reframed through an ecological lens. “Deception is signalling misinformation to your opponent […]
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